Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What I Learned About Sponsoring a Writing Contest

In looking at the entries for my 1st Annual Summer Writing Contest, which ended on July 1st, I've learned quite a lot about sponsoring (and entering) a writing contest:

1. Contestants do not follow guidelines!
2. Contestants do not follow guidelines! and
3. I need to market my contest better.

As for Number 1 and Number 2, yes, Contestants do not follow guidelines! The entries I received that are in the possible "win a prize" file, well, there are only a few. Why?

There were contestants who did send an entry via mail or online, but they did not include the entry fee.

Contestants sent entries that had NOTHING to do with the categories I listed. I had some that were way out there, some sounded like op-ed pieces, some were sermon like, and some, well, they were just disturbing.

And, some were just way, way, way over the word count. The maximum for the contest was 2,000 words. One contestant sent a novel length manuscript.

The sad thing is, some of these would have been prize contenders, the stories were written well, some had a few errors, but they were overlooked because they had a STORY!

But, if you don't follow the guidelines given, you don't win a prize, no matter how good your story is. I know why some of my friends who are editors (one is a publisher), tear their hair out when they are reading queries or articles and the work is substandard, or just way out of bounds.

Writers (including me) complain that editors don't see true talent when it is right in front of them. That they are just way too picky to see that they have written the Great American Story, or Novel, or whatever, and are just being unfair when they get a rejection from said editor. I see now, after sitting in the editor's chair, that it is sometimes the fault of the writer. They are given a set of parameters to go by and they think if they break all the rules, they will be Stephen King Rich, and Oprah will be calling on the other line.

Snap out of it!

If you can't follow a simple set of instructions, guess what? You don't get paid! If you do a crappy job, send in crappy work, and basically don't give a hoot, then it will show. Be grateful if you get a rejection letter, or an email, and if your work comes back again and again, you need to stop, look at what you are sending out, and determine what's wrong with it.

Check your guidelines. Check them and then check them again. Make sure you are meeting each and every requirement. If you don't, you will be wasting paper. For all of our sakes, save some trees, and swallow your pride. Even Stephen King was rejected over and over, and look where he is now.

As for the marketing aspect, I take total responsibility. I needed to get more releases and the news about the contest out there in every way possible. I don't think I covered all the bases. Which is valuable information for me for when I sponsor the next contest.


Yes, I'm having a Halloween Writing Contest. The details are coming soon, so if you missed the summer contest, guess what? You have another shot to enter and win some cash!

For now, I will reveal the contest winners on August 1st. I think you will be surprised by the results.

Until then, keep writing!


Sandy Lender said...

I'm giggling. Not AT you, but because you posted the rules very clearly...You should hear my publisher talk about this very subject.
Halloween contest!!?? Man...I wish I could enter. But, again, I'm abstaining because I freakin' know you so well. Not exactly fair. Can I enter under a pen name? Have a friend send it in? Would you be able to recognize my style? ARGH!
Sandy Lender
"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

Cheryl said...

I hear the same complaint about guidelines too, so I understand your pain.

I held one writing contest probably over a year ago. I received one entry and ended up giving the prize to that one person.

Time seems to be an issue for some people. I'm not ready to hold another writing contest again. Maybe once my book comes out.

Good to you for trying it and not being discouraged.
