Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween 2009

Today is Halloween.

It is also the end of my writing contest and the end of the Think Pink Book Challenge. I sold one book, and no, it wasn't to myself or anyone else I know. With a dollar from each entry in the writing contest, and the book I sold, and what I'm chipping in, I will be sending a check to Susan G. Komen Foundation for $20.

Thanks to all who participated. I truly appreciate it.

November 1st kicks off National Novel Writing Month. I am participating this year, again, with a goal to have my book finished within a week. I did a bit of "training" this year, trying to make my "quota" of 2,000 words-a-day, and for the most part, I've met or exceeded that goal, and in one weekend I wrote over 10,000 words. It's a doable goal, and I will keep you all posted with my progress. If you are participating, and need a "buddy", write or email me.

The contest winners will be announced on November 15, 2009, so good luck to those who entered. I'm excited to see who wins.

My son is also coming home for Thanksgiving, so I will be counting the days (25) until he's here.

That's all for now.

I hope you all have a very safe and Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Teleseminar Postponed to Thursday 11/05/09

The teleseminar entitled, "Forget the Recession" is postponed to next Thursday, November 5, 2009.

Times: 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm

Cost: $11 per person, which includes free MP3 recording of call on CD or digital download.

And other fabulous gifts.

Hope to see you there.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I don’t know about you, but I’m sick and tired of this whole recession.

Didn’t they say it was over?

Oh, it’s almost over?


What does that mean?

We’re not as broke today as we were yesterday?

Guess what? We’re still broke!

How broke?

1. We’re so broke, Bill Gates had to switch to dial up.

2. We’re too broke to pay attention.

3. We’re too broke to have health insurance and those that do will die of H1N1 because there isn’t enough vaccine. Who knows, if enough of us with no insurance can stay healthy, we will have health insurance.

4. We’re so broke we’re looking to buy that “Box” from the movie trailer to get the million dollars. The moral dilemma is someone has to die. Maybe we will get lucky and it will be Osama Bin Laden. Or Bernie Madoff. Or the CEO of AIG.

5. We’re so broke we’d sleep with Robert Redford for a million dollars. And that goes for the ladies, too.

6. We’re so broke we have carpal tunnel from hanging on to our money so tightly.

7. We’re so broke we have arthritis from pinching so many pennies.

8. We’re so broke we could cry.

Please, don’t cry.

Instead, remember, laughter is free, and so is thought.

It’s time to Rock this Recovery.

Join me for my teleseminar “Forget the Recession” on Thursday, October 29, 2009.

Times are 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm Central Standard time.

Registration fee is $11.00, because I’m easy, not cheap. (See #5).

What you’ll get out of it:

*You’ll laugh a lot,

*You’ll learn a few things about money and thought and how to put the two together positively, and,

*You’ll leave feeling a little better than you did before you arrived.

If not, I’ll refund your money, no questions asked. Every penny.

To register, go to and click on “Teleseminar Info”

The times and date don’t work for you? No problem. Register anyway. The call is being recorded. You’ll get an MP3 of the call on a CD or as a digital download. Same price. Same guarantee. No shipping and handling charges.

Search those couch cushions and sign up now.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I Think I Need A Chicken Suit And Dancing Lessons

I'm watching the news tonight on one of the local stations, and they had a story about a Domino's Pizza in St. Paul, Minnesota. No new pizza recipes, but there is a new recipe for marketing.

They have a dancing chicken. No kidding!

There is an employee, who dances with another employee, and they are bringing in more business.

Maybe that's not such a bad idea. Only, I don't have a chicken suit, and I can't dance.

At all.

But it's inspiring for me because it shows that even in this economy, people are not giving up and they are still creative when it comes to marketing.

I wish them the best of luck, and they are learning how to do the "Thriller Dance". I'll be keeping an eye out for that one. :)

Have a great week.

Friday, October 9, 2009

I won at the casino! I won at the casino! LOA Rocks!

For those of you who have been studying the LOA (Law of Attraction), part of making your manifestations or dreams come true involves "pretending" that you have received what you ask for. It works like this:

1. You ask for something you really want. You have to feel fabulous when you think of this something. The top things asked for are: money, homes, cars, jobs, and someone to love. So, think of what you want. Then ask for it. Ask God, the Universe, your Higher Power, and then move to step 2.

2. Believe you deserve to have it. Yes, I believe you should have it, so you should believe you should have it. You are the child of a King, start acting like it. I don't mean be a jerk and act like everyone should wait on you hand and foot, but just know that good things are coming your way.

2.a. There is a little codicle to this step. You have to let it go. Believe God or the Universe is going to deliver it and let go THE HOW of when it will show up. Everyone has a hard time with this, so this will take some practice. I know, it's hard for me.

We humans want to control how things come into our lives, we want to control those "X" factors that we really have no business controlling. Remember, God is a Creator, and sometimes, creation takes time. There is no failure, just a delay in results, as Helene Hadsell says. She should know. She's won every contest she's ever entered for the past 50 years, including a new home. How? She let go, and let God. Get out of His way so He can do His job.

3. Be ready to receive. If you don't believe you should receive it, you will experience a delay in results. If you have any little inkling of doubt or worry or fear, or have any negative thoughts as to how it's going to arrive, then you will experience a delay in results. Fear, doubt, worry, and negativity, act as roadblocks and will re-route your dreams.

You also have to be ready. Prepare your life for your dreams. If you want more money, make a list of how much and what you will do with it when it gets here. Don't spend it for real until it arrives. Spend it in your head, and then "pretend" you have another installment coming from your own spiritual escrow.

Yes, you have an account that holds all that you desire. The problem is, you are the only one with the "access code". If you are not in alignment with the vibrations of the Universe, then you will be denied access to your account. Think of your thoughts as spiritual "PIN" numbers. :)

If you spend a little time on this each day, you will be amazed at what you can manifest into your life. Make your manifestations good things. If you want to manifest something for someone else, that's ok too, but the results will vary. If it is something they truly desire, your energy with their energy will make it appear faster. But it isn't something they truly want, then you may be disappointed that they aren't excited about their manifestation.
You will see faster results with your own desires.

The main key to all of this is gratitude. Be grateful first for what you have. Notice the contrast of what you don't have, but first and foremost, you must be grateful for what you have. If you aren't sure what to be grateful for, start with a list: health, family, friends, job, money coming into your life, money going out of your life (it means money is flowing naturally in and out of your life), your home, your life, the sunrise and sunset, your car, and anything else you love.

But what about those who are struggling or living in poverty? What about those people who have lost their homes and jobs and are going through a really hard time? Be grateful for your circumstances. You have a lot of things to be grateful for, including the struggle. Why? It will make you stronger, it will bring you to what is most important. Remember, "this too shall pass", and it will leave your life faster when you start to feel better.

Feeling better starts in your head. Start with some small thing that makes you smile, or laugh. Look at something beautiful. Remember a time when things were better, then feel how that was. The feeling will bring it faster. And always, write down what you want. It's like placing your order with the Universe.

And we are going to the casino tomorrow.

Did I tell you, I won at the casino?

Be a part of the Prosperity Experiment. Kits will be available soon. Go to and click on "Prosperity Experiment".

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

It's All About the Money (Yes & No)

Yes, I admit it, I'm a shameless marketer.

It's why I put the name "Marketing" in my business name. But no matter what business you are in, you have to market or you won't get paid. It's all about the money.

And not.

Let me explain.

Money is a tool. Money brings with it lots of good things: food, clothing, shelter, gas in the car, insurance, electricity, Internet service, phone service, medical insurance, and maybe even a movie or a dinner out. If you aren't marketing and testing, you aren't making money. And I don't work for free. Do you?

For some reason, people think if you are a writer, or an artist, or work in some business other than a typical "brick and mortar" business, you will accept anything that comes down the pike, like any amount of money someone will offer you for a job. That's ridiculous!

Try this: Call up a plumber and ask them what they charge. Then call them for a job and see if they will just take what you offer them. They will laugh at you, and then ask for their fee. All of it.

I called a plumber out of desperation this summer because our bathtub was plugged and wasn't draining. We tried everything short of dynamite to get it unplugged. Finally, I called the local plumber. They came out, put a hose down the drain, and blew the sucker clear. They were there about 15 minutes, maybe 20 minutes maximum.

The bill?


Did I try to tell them they should take only $30 because I have a friend who is a plumber who can do it for me for that price? No. He would have laughed at me asked me why I didn't call my friend the plumber.

I paid it.

Why? That is his fee and is what the market will bear.

Was I happy to pay $90 for only 15 minutes of work? No. But his fee is what it is for his field of expertise.

So, for those who think I'm just in this business for the money, you're right.

And if you think I'm in this business ONLY for the money, you are wrong.

I write because I have this insatiable need to put words on paper, or on the screen. I have a mind that won't shut off. It's like the bunny with the battery pack, it keeps going, and going, and going. I have tried to stop writing and it worked about as well as my trying to stop breathing. I became light-headed and sick and felt like I was going to die.

But I also live for the things money can't buy. The letter from a reader saying the words I wrote moved them to tears, or helped them reunite with an estranged loved one, or made them laugh so hard they fell out of their chair. Those emails, calls and letters give me goosebumps and I tingle for days.

Then there are those who tell me that I'm a hack. I'm high if I think I'll ever make it as a writer, or that they wouldn't buy my book if it was the last book to read on Earth.

Fine. I'm ok with that. I'm not going to make everyone happy all of the time, which is true whether I have pen in hand or not. It's part of the business. If you can't take rejection, and if you take it personally, you have no business being in the writing business.

It's a good thing I have a thick skin. And a never ending optimistic attitude.

So, yes, I have a challenge to sell 1,000 books by the end of the month and part of those sales is going to charity, but I'm not going to stop believing and pursuing my goal. If I make it, whoohoo, I'll celebrate.

If I miss the mark, I'll learn from the experience, and improve my efforts in the next promotion. But I'm not going to stop. Ever. This is my life, and this is what I want more than anything. And I want it for all the good things it will bring to me and those I love.

And I'm grateful to be able to pursue it. And I'm confident I'll not only meet that goal, but I will EXCEED IT.

See you at the top. :)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Think Pink Book Challenge

The 1,000 Book Challenge
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Hi, Everyone,

As you know I was issued a challenge a few weeks ago.

To sell 1,000 books by Halloween (October 31, 2009).

I've decided to take $1 (one dollar) from each book sold and donate it to the Susan G. Komen Foundation in honor of my mother and her two sisters.

All three were diagnosed, underwent surgical intervention and chemotherapy and radaition for the two sisters.

Here's their story: A Tale of Three Sisters

In return for helping me reach my goal, I have some great bonuses for you.
First, you will receive the first two chapters of my book "Permission Granted",

Second, you will receive a free pass to my upcoming teleseminar, a $25 value.

Third, the price of the book "The Golden Rules of Making Money (And How To Use Them)" will stay at $19 until Halloween.

Fourth, my gratitude in helping an organization that helps thousands of women survive this disease and helps their families cope with the trauma of surgery and treatment, with courage, humor and community. Each customer will receive a personal thank you from me.

As of now, there are 2.5 million breast cancer survivors. But many more can be saved if the disease is detected early. Please do your breast self-exams at least once a month and get a mammogram every year.

In this economy, there are women who are not getting the tests they need to get an early diagnosis and early treatment. There are ways to get a free or low cost mammogram and cervical cancer screening, just go to and see if you qualify.

For more information, go to my Resources page at and click on "Think Pink Links."

I can't wait to exceed this challenge.

Thank you in advance for all your help,
